SCAPO Online

Southern Cameroons People's Organisation

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What is SCAPO?

SCAPO stands for “Southern Cameroons Peoples’ Organization”. It started as a British Southern Cameroons (BSC) liberation organization working for the de-annexation of the BSC and finding  a solution to the injustices it suffered during its decolonization process, especially the fact that UN sources classify the BSC as a trust territory that has been decolonized when as a matter of fact its decolonization process was aborted midway. The pull out of the UN, after adopting UNGA Resolution 1608 (XV) on 21 April 196l, without verifying its implementation, left behind an explosive and volatile situation smoldering all along since 1961. This was compounded by the annexation of the territory by the Republic Cameroon and its policy of assimilation. The flashpoint came in November 2017 with Rep. of Cameroons’ declaration of war on the BSC to enforce integration/annexation.
The mission of SCAPO is to work for a nonviolent solution to the armed attack on the people of the Southern Cameroons and its territorial integrity.