Southern Cameroons Profile

  • Quick Facts & Figures

    About Southern Cameroons

Land size: 16,581 square miles

Larger in size than 30 UN Member States and 12 AU Member States

Circa 7 million

More populated than 60 UN Member States and 18 AU Member States

Complete International boundaries established by international treaties described and recognized in League of Nations Mandate and in UN Trusteeship Instruments

League of Nations' Mandate: 1922-1946

United Nations Trust Territory: 1946-1961 (Maps at Appendix 5)

Self-governing Territory with own Constitution, Parliament and Ministerial government 1954-1961

Conducted general elections in 1959 resulting in a peaceful change of government

Occupied and annexed by Republic of Cameroon (Former French Cameroun) which acceded to independence on 1st January 1960 while Southern Cameroons was still a UN Trust Territory.

November 2017, Republic of Cameroon declares the invasion of Southern Cameroons. The war escalates into genocide to enforce Territorial Claim over the Southern Cameroons.